Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bullet Point Reviews

I normally do not condone writing brief, bullet-point reviews, but I wanted to quickly convey some opinions on a few films from earlier in the year - most of which are now on DVD.

"Coraline" (directed by Henry Selick)

  • lush, detailed, beautiful stop-motion animation
  • surprisingly creepy story
  • suffers from an uneven pace
  • flips the idea of a perfect world; shows the controlling aspects of such a society
  • a few peripheral characters feel unnecessary
  • voice talent is superb; Teri Hatcher makes a convincing villain.
  • Grade: B

"Gigantic" (directed by Matt Aselton)

  • the film's quirky elements feel forced and hamper the film's plot and tone
  • Zooey Deschanel fares well as an eccentric, yet somewhat childish, girlfriend to Paul Dano's character
  • Paul Dano fails to give his character a real personality. Such a shame after his great turn in 2007's "There Will Be Blood."
  • hindered by pretentious symbolism that is neither comprehensible or illuminating
  • manages to bring up some interesting ideas about one's transition to adulthood, but the ideas ultimately fail to resonate due to the film's numerous problems.
  • Grade: C-

"The Soloist" (directed by Joe Wright)

  • inspirational true story
  • interesting cinematography; surprisingly varied for a mainstream film
  • good, but not great performances; both Jamie Foxx and Robert Downey Jr. feel detached from the material
  • Foxx's acting is a bit too showy; would have preferred a more naturalistic performance
  • script feels repetitive and sometimes slips into melodrama
  • relies too heavily on voice over narration to convey the lead character's emotion and motivation; some scenes with extended dialogue feel too unrealistic
  • steady pace; transitions well from flashbacks to the modern day
  • at least somewhat outlines the many problems on the streets of L.A.
  • It provides a realistic conclusion for the two main characters. Unfortunately this conclusion is marred by an annoyingly sentimental final scene.
  • Grade: C+

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