As the summer draws to a close, you may be wondering, "What's left?" No need to fear! Cinema Soup is doing the investigating for you. Check out part one of our preview here.
And now, without further ado, Part 2 of our Fall/Winter preview.
Let's start with "The Road." The film, based on the novel by Cormac McCarthy ("No Country for Old Men"), follows a man (Viggo Mortensen) and his son (Kodi Smitt-McPhee) as they seek refuge and try to survive in a post-apocalyptic future. What seems to be an emotional tale of survival has been marketed as an action-packed thriller in the film's trailer (see here). Having read a few chapters of the book, I know for sure that this trailer is misleading. "The Road" should have some thrilling moments, but - if it stays true to the book - it should be more about the father-son relationship. And Hollywood is notorious for marketing dramas as thrillers, because - apparently - audiences will not be interested in a movie unless it has three explosions per second. Anyway, the film's imagery looks stunning, Viggo Mortensen looks fantastic in his role, and the film on the whole looks incredibly intriguing. Let's hope "The Road" lives up to its promise when it opens on October 16th, 2009.
Speaking of dark subject matter, in this case a dark comedy, the trailer for the Coen Brothers next film "A Serious Man" looks great. This film was completely off my radar until now. Check out my full thoughts here.
And we will conclude with "The Lovely Bones," based on the best-selling novel by Alice Sebold. The film, directed by the great Peter Jackson ("The Lord of the Rings," "King Kong"), follows Susie Salmon, a young girl who is murdered, as she, from some sort of afterlife, watches her family cope with the tragedy of her death. The film's trailer shows off some stunning visuals, but I am mixed on the trailer as a whole. The trailer makes the movie seem tonally confused (is it a drama? thriller? fantasy?) and some of the acting looks so-so. However, the good certainly outweighs the bad. Saoirse Ronan, Susan Sarandon, and Stanley Tucci all look great in their respective roles, but, still, something just feels a little "off." Oh, well. You can't really judge a film by its trailer anyway. Here's hoping "The Lovely Bones" is lovely when it opens wide on December 11th, 2009.
Well, dear reader, what do you think? Do you disagree with my picks? Would you like to add your own? Leave your thoughts in the comments. And remember you don't have to be a member of Blogger to comment. Just use "Anonymous" or "Name/Url" in which the URL is optional. Thanks!
Hey John it's Drew, What about the new Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Jr, and Jude Law. I am pumped for that and just wanted to see what you think
Hi Drew!
Um, I am staying relatively cautious about Sherlock Holmes. I am kind of annoyed that they are trying to take classic English character and make him a modern day action star. I prefer the witty,clever Holmes to the snarky,action star Holmes. But, who knows? I could be proven wrong.
I concur (It's elementary) my dear O'Neil. The thought of taking the logical, witty, and highly observant Holmes and turning him into a "Baker Street James Bond" sounds like a dangerous move by moviemakers. If one is interested in a modern, logical, witty, and highly observant Holmes watch "The Mentalist" It might not be based on Sir Doyal's Holmes but the show is similar.
The best paper that I read all year =D
-My Regards
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