Sunday, March 14, 2010

Coming Soon to "Cinema Soup"

After months of being constantly busy, I now find myself with a good chunk of free time. So, hopefully, my blog posts and reviews will be more frequent. I've decided that I can't just write reviews. This blog needs a bit more....variety! So, I've decided to add a couple of features that will hopefully shake thins up a bit.

So, what's coming soon to Cinema Soup?

  • Well, I hope to write features on my favorite actors and directors to take a more extensive look at their filmographies.

  • I also plan to give a list of films I'm looking forward to in 2010. A "Preview" list of sorts.

  • And I'll possibly even talk about the latest movies news. That is, if it interests me. I'm not a huge fan of blogs that report on all the latest casting rumors, sequels, etc. After all, I enjoy talking about movies, not bazillion dollar franchises.

Other than that, expect more of the same. And remember this blog was created to start film discussion. Lately, it seems like I've just been talking to myself. So be sure to let your opinion be known in the comments section. As my corny tag line notes, this blog is supposed to be a "hearty feast of film discussion." Gosh, who writes this stuff?


Cartigan Sweater said...

Don't discredit me, I said some not very interesting comments that probably seemed contradictory and disallusioned. I am interested in a plethera of future development but I fear that the future only holds spots for sequels, triquels, and more excessiveness. I would suggest some more independent films: "Moon" "Mad Hot Ballroom." Or maybe a collum comparing director's past and future works (like how Zemeckis went from comedy [back to the future], to brilliance [Forrest Gump], to garbage [beowolf, A Christmas Carol])

Cardigan Sweater said...

me again. What ever happened to the quote of the week? It was here then it remained the same quote for a while then it vanished into thin air (slightly reminisent of the entire plot of Wargames).

As for starting discussion on this site, You need to develop some sort of insenitive to drag people into the comments. You have the web traffic (today there have been 6 people)just get them interested in seeing what others said about it, they will come and look and possiby write something themselves. As for the hook, "if you build it, they will come." If you want I am sure that Mohan, Johnson and I (huesemann), would be willing to stage a debate that could create interest?

John O'Neil said...

Thanks for the ideas, Cartigan Sweater. I wish I had enough time to update this blog on a daily basis. Unfortunately, I do not.

I like your directot feature idea, but I think we have radically different views on the works of Mr. Zemeckis. I find "Forrest Gump" to be an overrated piece of pandering schmaltz. "Back to the Future" is his work of brilliance, in my eye.

Also, if you're interested in writing for the site, you're certainly welcome to e-mail me some articles, reviews, essays, etc. They'll be subjected to my editing hand, but I'll try my bset to post them.

Cardigan Sweater said...

I appreciate the offer to post an essay (or two), and I may take you up on that offer if I get around to typing a review.

Continuing the Zemeckis Debate...
I agree that Back to the future was a superb comedy from the 80s that still holds pertinence in the modern world. And I hope you agree that Zemeckis' Beowulf, Polar Express and a Christmas Carol, represent the epitome of mediocrity and the destruction of literature. (It also doesn't help that CGI is ruining the industry; another rant, another day).

I understand that you have distain towards Forrest Gump. Overall I think that the film was overdone and was more of a clip show of movies dating back to the end of Vietnam. In my mind the movie was redeemed by Tom Hank's interpretation of Forrest. Here we have a movie with the protagonist as a mentally challenged man but a person who everybody can identify with in some way or another. Ironically, Forrest is just like Raymond (movie "Rain Man") except that his issues are toned down. In retrospect, Forrest Gump is just another movie that lacks any direction. It is a movie about the life of a nobody, who finally gets his childhood sweetheart after 30 years. In the meantime, every single major movement in the United States is glanced over as Forrest proceeds to impossibly run across the nation 3 times.

Was it entertaining? I would say yes. Will it stand the test of time? Probably not. My kids (along with half of my generation) won't understand any of it and another film will fall from the pedestal of today into the clearance box of tomorrow. Shit Happens.

John O'Neil said...

So, Forrest Gump goes from being "brilliant" to "lacks direction."


Just give your opinion. Don't try and impress me. I'm certainly willing to read an article arguing that "Forrest Gump" is a brilliant film. Even if I vehemently disgaree.

Cardigan Sweater said...

I appologize for what seemed to be a contradiction.

A Clarification, the Character "Forest Gump" was excellently written and portrayed by Tom Hanks while the movie had faults. I enjoyed the concept of a mentally challenged man telling his life story to people who don't really want to listen at a bus stop but the segments between seem to be (as I said before) parts of other movies. When the film starts I am introduced to a cute kid who seems to be completely normal until it is revealed that he only has an IQ of 14. His life continues and he perseveres but where is he going? What is the objective of the film? If the objective was to teach that people can overcome some of their biggest challenges, that was accomplished in the first fifteen minutes with Forrest breaking off his leg braces and running back home. Where does it go from there? Just to reaffirm the audience that you can overcome your issues and succeed. Although some may claim that the movie looses a lot of its message if you did not live during the events it showcases, events could commonly occur today, tomorrow or a thousand years from now. Forrest was an unforgettable character who (although he may not have understood it) made an impression on all of the people he met even if they did ridicule him. They learned something, he learned something, I learned something.

As for if the movie will last, I would like to think it would but I imagine a future where mental disabilities will be accepted part of the culture and they will expected to persevere like Forrest. And due to that my kids will not understand how hard it was in my lifetime to be different.